Friday, May 30, 2014

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I've been meaning to make laundry detergent for a while just to save money, but once I started reading into all the harmful chemicals in pretty much everything, I wanted to do it even more.

I looked at recipes and made my own using even safer products. A lot of them were made with borax, but after further research I found that it wasn't as safe as everyone thought it was. The EWG ( actually gave it an "F". So as I search for a safer alternative, I came across a knock-off oxiclean that was both safer and cheaper! Below is my recipe!

1 box arm & hammer washing soda
3 lbs. baking soda
4 lbs (4 containers) LA's totally awesome power oxygen
3 bars Kirks Castile soap bars, grated (found in body soap isle)

Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container. Use up to 2 tablespoon per load.

Everything Gives You Cancer

I'm pretty sure we've all said this before. You're about to enjoy a nice diet coke when someone tells you how awful aspertame is and how it causes cancer. I usually respond with a 'yea I know, everything does' and then wonder if each sip is slowly killing me. Yea, thanks Buzz-Killington. That was the old me, before I had kids. Then I got pregnant and you start to worry about all the shit you put into your body that you don't want the baby to get. Well, I thought that feeling would go away, but when the baby came; I had this little epiphany. My usually self that didn't really care and knew someday, I would indeed die. But instead you see this new baby and think yourself that you don't want to miss a single beat and you'll do anything to ensure that.

OK, I'll stop drinking diet coke.

Let's fast forward a few months. I get invited to this 'Ava Anderson' Party. Like Pampered Chef, it's a new kind of home party. You call the ladies over, have some wine and buy some shit. Boy, was I in for a surprise with this one. They have this awesome marketing plan; it's called 'the scare the shit out of everyone and they will buy your non-toxic products' plan. Well played, Ava, well played. They give you a bunch of information about all sorts of chemicals in products that you use everyday, like shampoo, chapstick, lotion, obviously cleaning products and so much more. The most shocking information was all those "organic" products you buy, have all sorts of toxins in them. The label may say how organic and natrual it is, but the truth is in the ingridient list.

Anyways, I did end up buying a few products, after all those people best be coming to my tupperware party, amiright? But that's another point in my life when I decided educate myself on what I'm buying and how can I "go green", but also save money. So far the Ava products I have used are fabulous, but they can be a little pricey. I'll probably continue to buy their products for my baby, but now I'm very conscious of what I'm using. Stay Tuned; I'll be sharing some DIY recipes for everyday products. Save Money, Go Green! 

My First Post!

I may not be an expert on parenting by any means, but I am learning. I'll never tell you I'm a pro and that my way is right...maybe that's because I have no idea what I'm really doing. If you're a mom, you know that not everything goes as planned with kids. Did that birth plan go accordingly? But we move on. We adapt and figure out what works for us. When I first decided to start a blog, I thought for a few days on what to name it. I really wanted something that says 'we're all moms, but we all have one common goal'. How do I fit that into one simple name? Meh, I really couldn't, so mom code it was. Kind of like that show girlcode, but ya know...momcode. When you're trying to change a diaper in public and you realize you don't have one and another mom says "I gotcha, here's a size 2". That's mom code! I may judge from time to time, but we're just trying to do the best we can for our kids. Even if one just threw up on your favorite shoes and you want to put them in time-out for a lifetime.

Well that said, I'm sure some of you have a couple teenagers and think 'yea, she has a baby, she has no idea whats to come' and you're probably right, but I want to start early while all this baby talk is fresh in my mind. Here you can find posts about products, breastfeeding, family, working moms, mom struggles, birth, going green and a whole lot more. I hope you all tune in for what's to come!